
What is WebAssembly?

WebAssembly is designed to work in conjunction with JavaScript and can interact with the DOM and other web APIs in the same way that JavaScript code can. It runs in a sandboxed environment within the browser, providing a secure and isolated execution environment for code from untrusted sources.

WebAssembly (Wasm) is a low-level binary format that runs on modern web browsers. It is designed as a portable and efficient target for compiling high-level programming languages, such as C, C++, and Rust, into a compact and optimized binary format that can be executed in the browser with near-native performance.

Wasm allows developers to run computationally intensive tasks, such as 3D gaming, audio/video processing, and scientific simulations, within the browser, without relying on plugins or complex JavaScript libraries. This enables faster and more efficient web applications, while also providing a familiar and portable programming environment for developers.

WebAssembly is designed to work in conjunction with JavaScript and can interact with the DOM and other web APIs in the same way that JavaScript code can. It runs in a sandboxed environment within the browser, providing a secure and isolated execution environment for code from untrusted sources.

WebAssembly is supported by all major browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge, and has a growing ecosystem of tools, libraries, and applications built around it.

Where we can use WebAssembly?

    Web applications: Wasm can be used to run complex applications in the browser, making it possible to build web-based 3D games, video editors, and other interactive applications.

    Hybrid applications: Wasm can be used to build applications that run both in the browser and as standalone applications, allowing developers to reuse code and take advantage of the benefits of both environments.

    Serverless computing: Wasm can be used to run serverless functions in the browser, reducing the need for dedicated servers and increasing the scalability of web applications.

    Microservices: Wasm can be used to run microservices in the browser, allowing developers to decompose complex applications into smaller, more manageable components.

    Cryptographic and security-sensitive applications: Wasm can be used to run cryptographic and security-sensitive applications in the browser, providing a secure environment for processing sensitive data.

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